
1. Tax Credits in Japan 税額控除 

Major tax credits in Japan are as follows. For more posts about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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1. Foreign tax credit 
Certain documents must be attached to final tax returns to claim this credit. 

2. R&D tax credits
The following are three major R&D tax credits in Japan. In all these cases, the tax credit amount is calculated as a certain percentage of eligible R&D costs. For Type 1 and Type 2, either one is available, but not both:
  1. General R&D tax credit
  2. R&D tax credit for SME
  3. Additional tax credit for open innovation R&D
3. Income tax credit for the acquisition of highly energy saving assets
This credit is unavailable if additional depreciation is claimed for the asset. 
4.  Income tax credit for the acquisition of machines by small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs")
This credit is unavailable if additional depreciation is claimed for the asset.  

5. Income tax credit for the acquisition of assets for local economic revitalization 
This credit is unavailable if additional depreciation is claimed for the asset.

6. Income tax credit for the acquisition of assets for head office relocation
This tax credit is available to taxpayers acquiring certain buildings for head office expansion in or move to local areas ("eligible taxpayers"). This credit is unavailable if additional depreciation is claimed for the asset.

7. Income tax credit for employee increases in relocated offices 
This tax credit is available to the eligible taxpayers satisfying certain conditions, such as the minimum number of newly hired employees in a relocated or expanded office.

8. Income tax credit for capital investment by SMEs in commerce or service business
This tax credit is available to SMEs in commerce or service business acquiring assets for business improvement on or before the repeal of the relief on 31 March 2021. This credit is unavailable if additional depreciation is claimed for the asset. 

9. Income tax credit for the acquisition of assets by SMEs for improving productivity, profitability or digitization
This credit is unavailable if additional depreciation is claimed for the asset.   

10. Income tax credit for wage increases and capital investment 

11. Income tax credit for the acquisition of systems using highly sophisticated telecommunication technologies 
Systems using highly sophisticated telecommunication technologies include nationwide/local 5G systems, and drones. This credit is unavailable if additional depreciation is claimed for the asset.


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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )