
17. Timing for Deducting Retirement Payments to Directors 役員退職金の損金算入時期


Japanese Corporate Tax Law provides the timing for deducting retirement payments to directors as follows (source: National Tax Agency). For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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I. General

A reasonable amount of a lump sum retirement payment to a director is deductible for the fiscal year in which the amount of such a payment is approved at a shareholders' meeting or in another manner. 
For the deductibility of directors' compensation, read this.  
II. Exceptional treatment 

The deduction of a lump sum retirement payment to a director is also allowed for the fiscal year in which the payment is made provided that the payment is recognized as an expense for accounting purposes for the fiscal year of the payment. 

III. Notes
  1. A lump sum retirement payment whose amount has been approved unofficially at a board meeting, but not officially yet is still not deductible even if the payment is recognized as an accrued expense.
  2. A pension payment (i.e., regular payment) is deductible for the fiscal year in which the payment is made. Therefore, total pension payments calculated at the time of the director's retirement are not deductible even if the total payments are recognized as an accrued expense at that time.
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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )