
12. R&D Tax Credits in Japan 研究開発税制

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan provides an overview of Japanese R&D tax credits as of 2021. For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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1. General type 

The deduction of a certain percentage of total R&D costs from corporate tax up to 25% of corporate tax. The details are different between small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs"; see 1-B) and non-SMEs (see 1-A).

1-A. Non-SMEs

(1) Credit amount: R&D costs x 2 to 14%
(2) Credit%: 
  • Increase%* > 9.4%                     : 10.145% + (Increase% ー 9.4%) x 0.35 (up to 14%)
  • Increase%   ≥ 37% and ≤ 9.4%: 10.145% ー (9.4% ー Increase%) x 0.175
  • Increase%   < 37%                   : 2% 
  • Year of establishment or prior 3 year average R&D costs** being zero: 8.5% 
* Increase% = % of (R&D costs-Prior 3 year average R&D costs**) to Prior 3 year average R&D costs
** Prior 3 year average R&D costs: Average deductible R&D costs for last 3 fiscal years
*** If % of R&D costs to Average 4-year sales (i.e., average sales for past 4 [i.e., this and past three] years) > 10%, credit limit and credit % are raised (see 2 below).

(3) Credit limit 
  • 25% of corporate tax 
  • If R&D costs increase from pre-COVID & sales reduce by 2% or more: Additional 5%  

1-B. Small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs": See HERE for a definition)  

(1) Credit amount: R&D costs x 12% to 17% 
(2) Credit%: 
  • Increase% > 9.4%: 12% + (Increase% ー 9.4%) x 0.3 (up to 17%)
  • Increase% ≤ 9.4%: 12%
If % of R&D costs to Average 4-year sales > 10%, credit limit / credit % rise (see 3 below).  

(3) Credit limit: 
  • 25% of corporate tax 
  • If R&D costs increase from pre-COVID & sales reduce by 2% or more: Additional 5%  
  • The limit to be raised by 10% in either of the following
    • % of R&D costs to Average 4-year sales >10%
    • Increase% > 9.4%                                               

2. Additional R&D tax credit based on % of R&D costs to Average 4-year sales

(1) Credit%* 

General credit% + ([% of R&D costs to Average 4-year sales ー 10%] x 0.5) x General credit%      
* Up to 14% (up to 17% for SMEs)

(2) Credit limit

25% + (% of R&D costs to Average 4-year sales ー 10%) x 2* 
* The underlined part is up to 10%.

3. R&D tax credit for open innovation

The deduction of a certain percentage of costs for R&D carried out jointly with, or outsourced to, research institutions, universities or other parties, or royalties for intellectual property rights paid to SMEs (collectively "special R&D costs") from corporate tax. Special R&D costs used to receive this open innovation type tax credit may not be used for the general type R&D tax credit. 

(1) Credit amount: Special R&D costs x Applicable % (see below (4)) 
(2) Credit limit: 10% of corporate tax
(3) Conditions  
      (i) Include certain items in the agreement, etc. 
      (ii-a) (For special research institutes) Obtain certification from the institute 
      (ii-b) (For non-special research institutes) Obtain confirmation by the counterparty/third party

(4) Credit%
  • Special research institutes / universities: 30%
  • R&D venture companies                        : 25%    
  • SMEs, private sector companies            : 20%


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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )