
29. Three Key Local Taxes on Companies 法人に対する地方税

The following are the three key local taxes on corporations in Japan: 

  1. Corporate inhabitants tax
  2. Corporate enterprise tax (local)
  3. Special corporate enterprise tax (national)
See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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Overview of three key local taxes applied to corporations 




Calculation basis

Filing/payment deadline

Corporate inhabitants tax*

Corporations that have offices in the prefecture and municipality

Corporate tax levy

Certain % of corporate income tax

Within 2 months from closing

Per-capita levy

Based on Tax capital and No. of employees

Corporate enterprise tax (local)

Corporations that have offices in the prefecture

Income levy

Certain % of income

Within 2 months from closing

Added value levy

Certain % of added value (e.g., salary)

Capital levy

Certain % of Tax capital

Special corporate enterprise tax (national) **

Corporations that have offices in the prefecture


Certain % of income levy of above (local) corporate enterprise tax

Filed and paid with the above corporate enterprise tax

* In Central Tokyo (i.e., 23 wards), the prefectural tax includes the municipal tax.
** The tax is a national tax, created by cutting off part of the (local) corporate enterprise tax.

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )