
33. Blue Form Return Filing 青色申告

The table below provides an overview of "blue form return filing" in Japan. (Source: National Tax Agency)

See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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What's "blue form filing"?

A system under Japanese Corporate Tax Law ("CTL") that requires taxpayers to maintain certain books and documents and correctly keep records of, and document, daily transactions in these books and documents in accordance with CTL in exchange for certain tax benefits or special treatment.


1.     Maintain certain (i.e., legally required) books and documents and keep records of, and document, daily transactions in these books and documents.  

2.     Submit an application to the tax office and obtain approval beforehand 


Corporate Tax Law

-    Utilization of net operating loss (“NOL”) carryforwards for 10 years

-    A corporate tax refund through NOL carryback

-    Additional requirement for the tax office to investigate books and documents before issuing a correction of tax

-    Inclusion of reasons for correction of tax on a correction notice

-    Prohibition of presumptive taxation

Special Measures Tax Law

-    Accelerated depreciation

-    Deduction of provision for reserves

-    Special corporate tax credits

-    Additional tax deductions

-    Immediate write-off of small depreciable assets by small and medium-sized enterprises

Approval process

A. General 

Submit an application to the tax office in the place of tax payment before the beginning of the fiscal year for which the company wishes to file blue form returns

B. A new company    

A new company which wishes to file a blue form return for its first fiscal year must submit an application before the earlier of the following: 

-    The date three months after the establishment

-    The end of the first fiscal year

Deemed approval

An application for blue form filing is deemed to be approved if no approval or denial in writing is notified to the taxpayer by the end of the fiscal year for which the application is filed.

Denial of application

Application for blue form filing is rejected if any of the following applies:

A.    The company does not maintain the books or documents, or keep records of, or document, daily transactions in these books or documents as required by the law.

B.     It is reasonable to believe that the books or documents conceal or falsify records or facts.  

C.     The company files an application within a year from the date on which the company is notified of the revocation of approval or files for the withdrawal of approval.  

D.    The company files an application within a year from the date on which approval for tax consolidation related to the company is revoked.

Revocation of approval


The tax office may revoke approval if any of the following applies. The revocation and the disallowance of benefits apply retrospectively from the fiscal year in which the event occurs:

A.     The company does not maintain the books or documents, or keep records of, or document, daily transactions in these books or documents as required by the law.

B.     The books or documents do not follow instructions from the tax office.

C.      It is reasonable to believe that the books or documents conceal or falsify records or facts.

D.     The company does not file a final tax return by the filing deadline.

E.      An event similar to any of the events A to D occurs and therefore approval for tax consolidation related to the company is revoked.

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )