
38. Calculation of Japanese Consumption Tax Due 消費税額の計算

The table below provides an overview of the method for calculating Japanese consumption tax ("JCT") due, and the definition of taxable sales/purchases for JCT purposes. (Source: National Tax Agency)

See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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Calculation of Japanese consumption tax ("JCT") due 

Method for calculating JCT due


JCT due = JCT on taxable sales (i.e., output JCT) – JCT on taxable purchases (i.e., input JCT)

Simplified method – See this post

Taxable sales

Generally, almost all sales/revenue related to business (excluding exempt transactions*), including:

-  Payment for sale of manuscripts

-  Copyright royalties

-  Speaking fees

-  Appearance fees

-  Online sales from business on the side

* Exempt transactions (see this post for details) include:

-  Proceeds from the sale of land

-  House rents

-  Medical service fees

Taxable purchases

Generally, purchase/leasing of assets or receipt of services for business from other parties (excluding exempt transactions or out-of-scope transaction, e.g., salary payments), including, but not limited to, the following:

-  Purchase of inventory assets (e.g., goods)

-  Purchase of raw materials

-  Purchase or leasing of business assets (e.g., machinery, buildings, vehicles, equipment, and fixtures)

-  Payment of advertising expenses, fringe benefits, entertainment expenses, communication expenses, utility bills

-  Purchase of office supplies, newspapers, books

-  Repair expenses

-  Outsourcing costs


-  Salary payments are out of scope for JCT purposes, but payments for services supplied by businesses (e.g., payments for processing or staffing services) are subject to JCT. Therefore, costs for outsourced processing, staffing, security guard, or cleaning services are taxable purchases for JCT purposes.

-  For cross-border services and the reverse charge mechanism, see this post.

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )