
57. Instant and 3-Year Asset Write-Off in Japan 少額の減価償却資産等

The table below provides an overview of instant and 3-year asset write off for Japanese corporate tax purposes.

See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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Covered assets

Eligible entities


Instant write-off of small assets

The cost of an asset is fully deductible for the fiscal year in which it is placed in service for business.

Per-unit original cost < JPY100,000;


Useful life < 1 year


The original cost is recognized as an accounting expense for that fiscal year.

Three-year write off of small assets

The costs of assets are collectively deductible over 3 years.

Per-unit original cost < JPY200,000



-   The deducted amount is recognized as an accounting expense.

-   The assets are reported as a single asset on asset ledger.

SMEs’ instant write off of small assets

The costs of assets are fully deductible for the fiscal year in which they are placed in service for business.

Per-unit original cost < JPY300,000

Small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”)

-   The costs are recognized as accounting expenses for that fiscal year

-   Deduction is limited to JPY3 million.

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )