
67. Deduction of Employee Bonuses 使用人賞与の損金算入要件

Employee bonuses are deductible in Japan as described below. (Source: National Tax Agency)


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Employee bonuses are deductible for the fiscal year as described below. Employee bonuses for such tax deduction purposes include the portion of a bonus paid to a director-employee that is attributable to the services provided in the capacity of employee. 

I. A bonus is deductible in the later of:
- the fiscal year in which the bonus is expected to be paid or
- the fiscal year in which the bonus amount is notified to the employee
   if all the following apply: 
  • The payment date of the bonus under the labor agreement or employment policy has passed.
  • The amount of the bonus is notified to the employee.
  • The bonus is recognized as an expense for accounting purposes for the fiscal year of the expected payment or the fiscal year of the notification of the amount.  
II. A bonus is deductible in the fiscal year in which the amount of the bonus is notified to the employee if all the following apply:
  1. The amount of the bonus is notified to all and each of the employees receiving the bonuses in the same period of time. (See the notes (1) and (2) below.)
  2. The bonuses whose amount is notified above are paid to these employees within one month from the day after the end of the fiscal year in which the notification is made.
  3. The bonuses are recognized as expenses for accounting purposes for the fiscal year in which the notification is made. 
(1) If the company notifies that it pays bonuses to only employees employed as of the date of bonus payment, the company does not meet the condition 1.  
(2) If, for the purposes of bonus payment, the company classifies employees into part-timers/temporary workers* or other employees, it may determine if the condition 1 is met for each type of employees. (*Those employed continuously and eligible for bonus payments as other employees are excluded.)

III. Bonuses other than those in I or II are deductible for the fiscal year in which the bonus is paid.

Japanese original:

(1) 労働協約又は就業規則により定められる支給予定日が到来している賞与(使用人にその支給額が通知されているもので、かつ、その支給予定日又はその通知をした日の属する事業年度においてその支給額につき損金経理したものに限ります。)
(2) 次に掲げる要件の全てを満たす賞与

イ その支給額を、各人別に、かつ、同時期に支給を受ける全ての使用人に対して通知をしていること。
ロ イの通知をした金額を通知した全ての使用人に対しその通知をした日の属する事業年度終了の日の翌日から1か月以内に支払っていること。
ハ その支給額につきイの通知をした日の属する事業年度において損金経理をしていること。

(3) 上記(1)及び(2)に掲げる賞与以外の賞与

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )