
9. (Fully) Controlling Relationship (完全)支配関係

"Controlling relationship" and "fully controlling relationship," and "consolidated fully controlling relationship" are defined in Article 2, paragraphs 12-7-5, 12-7-6, and 12-7-7 of Corporate Tax Law of Japan ("CTL") as follows. For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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8. Tax-Qualified Squeeze-Outs in Japan 株式交換等の適格要件

The below is a summary of the requirements in order for a squeeze-out to be tax-qualified in Japan as provided in Article 2, subparagraph 12-17 of Japanese Corporate Income Tax Law

For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:
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7. Squeeze-Outs in Japan 株式交換等

An overview of the Japanese squeeze out system under Japanese Corporate Income Tax Law is as follows. For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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6. Overview of Japanese Consumption Tax 消費税の概要と区分 

An overview of Japanese consumption tax ("JCT") is as follows. For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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5. Tax Penalties in Japan 附帯税

Japan has six types of penalties for national corporate income tax purposes. An overview of these penalties is as follows. For more posts about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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4. Joint Business Tests for Tax-Qualified "Bunsha" Type Spin-Off 分社型分割における「共同事業要件」

The joint business tests for tax-qualified "bunsha" type spin-off are as follows. For more posts about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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3. Tax-Deduction of Accrued Expense in Japan (Saimu Kakutei) 債務確定の判定

Japanese Corporate Tax Law provides the requirements for deduction of accrued expenses as follows (Source: National Tax Agency)! For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE.
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2. Tax Capital (Shihonkin Tou no Gaku) 資本金等の額


Japanese corporate tax law divides the shareholders' equity into the following two parts:
  • Tax capital (shihon kin tou no gaku), i.e., contribution from shareholders, etc.
  • Retained earnings, i.e., profit earned by the company 
The law also provides an overview of "Tax capital (shihon kin tou no gaku; which literally means 'stated capital, etc.')" as shown in the table below:

Read this for a more detailed comparison of the capital section for Japanese tax, Japanese accounting and US GAAP purposes. 

See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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1. Tax Credits in Japan 税額控除 

Major tax credits in Japan are as follows. For more posts about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )