
20. SME Tax Relief - Deduction of Allowance for Bad and Doubtful Debts 中小企業者の貸倒引当金特例


Small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs") in Japan can be classified broadly into the following two types:
  • SMEs under Corporate Tax Law ("CTL"); and
  • SMEs under Special Measures Tax Law ("SMTL")
One of the benefits for these SMEs is the deduction of provision for allowance for bad and doubtful debts. See below for details.

For other SME tax benefits, click HERE. For more about Japanese tax, click HERE:

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19. SME Tax Relief - Reduced Corporate Tax Rate 中小法人の法人税の税率


Small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs") in Japan can be classified broadly into the following two types:
  • SMEs under Corporate Tax Law ("CTL"); and
  • SMEs under Special Measures Tax Law ("SMTL")
One of the benefits for these SMEs is a reduced corporate tax rate. See below for details.
For other SME tax benefits click HERE
For more about Japanese tax, click HERE:

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18. Major Tax Reliefs for SMEs in Japan 中小法人と中小企業者の優遇税制


Small and medium-sized enterprises ("SMEs") in Japan can be classified broadly into the following two types:
  • SMEs under Corporate Tax Law ("CTL"); and
  • SMEs under Special Measures Tax Law ("SMTL")
Tax benefits to these two types of SMEs vary as follows (source: Ministry of Finance). For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

I. Tax benefits available to SMEs under CTL 中小法人の優遇税制
II. Tax benefits available to SMEs under STML 中小企業者の優遇税制

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17. Timing for Deducting Retirement Payments to Directors 役員退職金の損金算入時期


Japanese Corporate Tax Law provides the timing for deducting retirement payments to directors as follows (source: National Tax Agency). For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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16. Requirements for Deducting Entertainment Expenses 交際費の定義と損金算入額

An overview of the requirements for deducting entertainment expenses in Japan is as follows (Source: National Tax Agency). For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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15. Deductible Directors' Compensation in Japan 役員給与の損金算入

An overview of the requirements for deducting directors' compensation in Japan is as follows (Source: National Tax Agency). For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

In Japan, directors' compensation paid by a corporation is deductible only if the compensation falls under any of the following categories. It should be noted that if compensation falls under any of the following but the amount is excessive, the excessive amount is non-deductible: 

1. Periodic Fixed Compensation 定期同額給与
2. Pre-determined Pre-notified Compensation 事前確定届出給与
3. Performance-Based Compensation 業績連動給与

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14. Deferred Capital Gains Tax on Transfers Within A Group 譲渡損益調整資産の譲渡損益の繰延べ

Capital gains or losses on the transfer of certain assets between Japanese fully controlling and controlled companies must be deferred in Japan (Source: National Tax Agency). See below for details. For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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13. Estimated Corporate Tax Payment in Japan 法人税の予定納税と中間納付

The below is an overview of estimated corporate tax payment in Japan. (Source: National Tax Agency) For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

Estimated tax payment 

A corporation whose fiscal period is more than six months and whose final tax of the last fiscal period is more than JPY200,000 must make an estimated tax payment within two months from the end of the six-month period in any of the following methods unless the corporation is in liquidation or reorganization proceedings:  

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10. General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR) in Japan 組織再編成に係る行為又は計算の否認

The General Anti-Avoidance Rule for reorganization is provided in Article 132-2 of Corporation Tax Act ("CTA") of Japan. For more about Japanese tax and accounting, click HERE:

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )