
41. Fiscal Year Under Japanese Corporate Tax Law 法人税法上の事業年度

An overview of a fiscal year under Japanese Corporate Tax Law ("CTL") is provided below. 

See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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I. Definition of fiscal year under Japanese Corporate Tax Law ("CTL")

  A. If law or the articles of incorporation define an accounting period: that accounting period 

  B. If nothing defines an accounting period, the company must notify an accounting period to the tax office within 2 months from establishment, and:
  1. if the company makes such notification - that notified accounting period
  2. if the company does not make notification - the period notified by the tax office in writing
  3. if an association without rights does not make such notification - from January 1 to December 31 of the year
   C. If an accounting period exceeds a year
  1. The one year from the beginning of the period and any subsequent year(s); and
  2. If the remaining portion after deducting the year(s) defined in 1 is less than one year, that less-than-one-year period
II. Exceptional cases

If any of the following events occurs in the middle of a fiscal year, the fiscal year during which the event occurs ends as of the date provided below and the following fiscal year starts on the day after that date (excluding the cases 2 and 3):  
  1. A Japanese corporation dissolves - The date of the dissolution
  2. A corporation dissolves due to a merger - The day before the merger
  3. The residual assets of a corporation under liquidation are determined - The day on which the residual assets are determined 
  4. A corporation under liquidation determines to continue the business - The day before the determination of business continuation         
III. Change of fiscal year

If a corporation changes its accounting period provided in the articles of incorporation or newly determines such a period, the corporation must notify the new period to the competent tax office without delay. 

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )