
42. Place of Tax Payment 納税地

Japanese Corporate Tax Law ("CTL") defines a "place of tax payment" as follows: 

See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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The following entities have the place of tax payment as shown below.

Type pf entity

Place of tax payment

Japanese corporation

Place where its head office is located

Foreign corporation


A. A foreign corporation with a permanent establishment ("PE") in Japan

Place of the office of business carried out through the PE 


B. A foreign corporation other than A which receives consideration for lease of real property

Place where the real property is located


C. A foreign corporation other than A or B

Place defined in Cabinet Order

Individual (i.e., non-corporate) trustee of Type 2 trust (houjin kazei shintaku)

Place of tax payment of the individual provided in Income Tax Law

I. Designation by the tax office
  1. Despite the provisions in the above table, the tax office may designate the place of tax payment of a taxpayer, if the tax office determines that the taxpayer's place of tax payment is inappropriate considering the nature of its business or property.
  2. In the above case, the tax office notifies the corporation of the designated place of tax payment in writing. 
II. Cancelation of designation
If such a designation is cancelled, the cancellation does not affect the validity of the tax returns filed from the designation to the cancellation. 

III. Change of the place of tax payment
A corporation must report without delay a change of the place of tax payment to the tax office in such a place before the change (excluding a change due to the designation provided in I).  
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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )