
51. Valuation of Foreign Currency Denominated Transactions 外貨建取引・資産の評価

The table below provides an overview of fiscal year-end valuation of transactions and assets denominated in foreign currencies for Japanese corporate tax purposes.

See this post for more about Japanese tax and accounting.
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Japanese Corporate Tax Law provides for the valuation of foreign currency denominated transactions/assets at fiscal year-end as shown in the table below. 

Definition of foreign currency denominated transactions

The following and other transactions for which payment is made in foreign currencies:

-    Sale or purchase of assets

-    Provision of services

-    Lending or borrowing of money

-    Distribution of dividends

Remeasurement method at fiscal year-end



Receivables and payables

Use historical exchange rate or fiscal year-end exchange rate



Use fiscal year-end exchange rate

Non-trading with maturity date and redemption price

Use historical exchange rate or fiscal year-end exchange rate

Other than above two

Use historical exchange rate


Use historical exchange rate or fiscal year-end exchange rate


Use fiscal year-end exchange rate

Selection of method

A method for each foreign currency and each asset classification

Reporting of method

Notify the selected method(s) in writing to the tax office by the filing due date of the final tax return for the fiscal year in which the asset is acquired, unless the selection cannot be made. 

Mandatory selection

Remeasurement where no method is selected or the selected method is not used is as follows, unless the selection cannot be made:

-  Short-term receivables/deposits: use fiscal year-end rate

-  Other than above: use historical rate

Change of method

File a change application before beginning of the fiscal year of change with the tax office. 

Approval is deemed granted at end of the fiscal year of application if no decision is notified by that date.

Foreign exchange gain or loss

1. Fiscal year-end: Include exchange gain or loss in taxable income or deductible expenses for the fiscal year

2. Following fiscal year: Reverse treatment 1

Significant fluctuations

In the case of significant fluctuations, remeasurement may be made as if the underlying transaction occurred at the end of the fiscal year

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Qualified Invoice System in Japan

An outline of a qualified invoice system to be implemented on October 1, 2023 is as shown below. (Source: National Tax Agency )